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"Kormantse" continues to be a challenge, and to many, an "imaginary" reference population. Questions raised in the Kormantse project are linked to ongoing concerns about cultural identities often confused with African-derived named groups in the Diaspora, either ascribed by Europeans, by the populations themselves or by those in the African Diaspora in search of an African identity. Archaeological, ethnographic and historical evidence collected in collaboration with informants such as this local elder bring the researched and the researcher together in a common mission.
Local and imported beads of stone, glass, shell or bone and metal, were encountered in the preliminary study and it is expected that these will emerge again in the main excavation. Beads in West African Archeology have provided very good indications of long distance trade and cultural exchanges. Production methods, particularly of glass beads and materials used help to identify populations and sources and would be useful in the reconstruction of long distance as well as the coastal-interior connections.
The KARP crew is made up of researchers, local townspeople, local and foreign students of all levels, as well as local elders, who participate in talks, seminars and demonstrations on traditional social, political and religious expressions, of both rural and urban Ghana for a one-of-a-kind academic experience.
A wide range of artifacts in large quantities and high concentrations have been uncovered. Burnt clay floor fragments, lots of charcoal and charred wood, local and imported beads and smoking pipes, glass and metal scraps, bracelets, buttons, bone, stone, pharmaceutical containers, are some of the revelations. Imported European items will help obtain relative dates to compare with the radiocarbon dates from other contexts.
Historic Kormantse burial collapsing grave statues (c 20th)
Old partially abandoned Asafo (paramilitary) shrine at Historic Kormantse.
“Kormantse”, as the modern people of the settlement call it, was and is still fishing and farming settlement located on a hill north east of Fort Amsterdam at Abandze on the Accra-Cape Coast main road. The settlement constituted a major landmark in its role in the colonial trans-Atlantic trade. The name, “Kormantse” in its various spellings continues to signify bravery, power, spirituality, authority and the best of the African in the African Diaspora. But among researchers, its true role in the identity and
interpretation of the history and culture of Africa and the African Diaspora remain elusive. “Kormantse” has become a central pillar of identity for groups of people, who passed through that location, consequently suggesting definitions that cut across ethnicity, art, artistic expressions, traditional practices, geographical boundaries and other forms of cultural identity. Kormantse remains a significant symbol of African survival in the Diaspora. Great survival.