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About Douglas Frimpong-Nnuroh

staff_frimpong_150x150Dr. Douglas Frimpong-Nnuroh MA, Ph.D.

Department of African Studies
University of Cape Coast,
Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana

Douglas Frimpong-Nnuroh was appointed lecturer at the Department of African Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana in August 2006. He is a well grounded academic who has studied in UG Legon, UCC Cape Coast, UiB Bergen and UvA Amsterdam. As an applied Social and Cultural Anthropologist Frimpong-Nnuroh is interested in studying the social systems of Ghanaian societies. Other areas of special interest to him are gender and family relations, care of the elderly, inter-generational relations, globalization and trans-nationalism. He teaches Democracy and Governance, Aspects of Ghanaian Culture and Chieftaincy and Society to undergraduate students reading African Studies. Frimpong-Nnuroh is an ethnographer who is acquainted with empirical research. He has publications on marital values, traditional wet nursing practices and child fostering and social parenting among the Ellembelle Nzema of western Ghana. Since 2010 he has worked as Consultant on socio-cultural issues on the Kormantse Archaeological Research Project (KARP) where he has been instrumental in collecting the migration narratives of historic Kormantse, the traditional clan system, the nature of the communal deities and their role in governance of the two communities on the scarp namely: Bentsir/Kormantse No 1 and Nkum/Kormantse No. 2. Aside from recruiting student volunteers from University of Cape Coast to work on the KARP; Frimpong-Nnuroh gives preparatory lectures on aspects of contemporary Ghanaian social life, fieldwork orientation and entry behavior to visiting students from Portland State University which helps them in their primary data collection efforts. Finally, after each season when the camp is on recess Frimpong-Nnuroh serves as the liaison between the KARP team in Portland, UCC and the community of Kormantse.