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About Edward A. Obodai

staff_obodai_150x150Edward A. Obodai, Professor (M.Sc., Ph.D.)

Project Biologist
Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast CR Ghana

Dr. Obodai, is full professor of Biology and former Head of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at the University of Cape Coast, is the Biologist on the KARP project with responsibility of identification and analysis of fish bones, shell and other aquatic remains of the KARP excavation. Dr. Obodai obtained the B.Sc. (1979) and M.Sc. (1990) and Ph.D. (1998) in Zoology from the University of Cape Coast, specializing in Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management, Oceanography, Limnology and Aquaculture with particular reference to Oyster culture. Between 1987 and 1996 he has taught as a Demonstrator /Teaching Assistant, Senior Biology Instructor and Lecturer in Biology at the University of Cape Coast. He also has teaching and research experience at the University for Development Studies, Tamale from 1996 and 2004 and since he has been at the University of Cape Coast where he is currently full professor, and chief advisor of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences with additional responsibilities as Academic Advisor, School of Biological Sciences 2005-2007, Member, Faculty of Science Board: Jan 2006- 2007; Member, School of Biological Sciences Board: 2005- Date; Member, Examiners’ Board: 2005-Date; Member, Time Table Committee: 2006-2007; Member, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Board 2005-Date; Head, Department of Laboratory Technology: 2006-2008; Internal Examiner, Faculty of Education, UCC: 2006-Date; External Examiner, Postgraduate theses, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of Ghana, Legon: 2007-Date; Chairman, Committee on investigation into Alleged Examination Malpractices in the School of Biological Sciences: 8-29th Mar. 2005; Member, Academic Board, UCC: 2006-date; Member, Committee on Cladding of office spaces at the Faculty of Science BlockUCC: 2007; Member, committee on Collegiate System for Faculty of Science, UCC: 2007; Member, Committee on Practical Schedule for School of Biological Sciences: 2009; Member, Accommodation Committee, GSA 26th Biennial Conference: 2009; Non- Professorial Representative on UCC Council: 6th May, 2009- May, 2011; Member, Committee on GUSSS, UCC May, 6 2009-May, 2011; Head, Dept. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, August 2009 – July, 2012; Member, Committee on Inst. Affiliation (IFCIA): 2009 – date; Member, A & P, School of Biological Sciences: 2009—date; Member, Fisheries Commission: September, 2009- Date; Member, National Petroleum Committee (NPC): September, 2009-date; Member, Evaluation Committee on Turnkey Fish Processing Plant: Aug. 2010; Member, Editorial Board, Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies & Management, Dec.2010- Date; Member, School Professorial Advisory Committee: 23rd March, 2011-Date. Professor Obodai has over forty (40) book, journal and book chapter publications including : Biology Practical: A guide for Senior Secondary Schools, Ghana Universities Press (2000); with Yankson, K., Plahar, W.A, (1994). Seasonal changes in biochemical composition of the mangrove Oyster, Crassostrea tulipa. Ghana J. Sci., 34, 37–43; Yankson, K. and Blay Jr. (1994). Seasonal changes in hydrographic factors and breeding in two populations of Crassostrea tulipa (Lamarck).Ghana J.Sci., 34, 45 – 51; with Yankson K. (1999). An up-date of the number, types and distribution of coastal lagoons in Ghana. J. Ghana Sci. Ass. (Special Edition) 2, No.2, 26 – 31; with Yankson, K. (1999b). The present status and potential of the oyster industry in Ghana. J. Ghana Sci. Ass. (Special Edition).2, No. 2, 66-72 Professor Obodai has received several distinctions and awards including the Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board Scholarship, Ghana Government scholarship as well as scientific research award by SADAOC for Project number 10, submitted to SADAOC, Ouagadougou in 2003.