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Kormantse Migration Traditions

According to oral tradition collected by Douglas Frimpong-Nnuroh, University of Cape Coast, the Kormantse elders claim to have migrated (in ancient times” from Ngyedum (exact location in Ghana not exactly known but believed to be somewhere in modern Brong Ahafo Region), to Historic Kormantse on the hill. They claim that they came along with seventy-seven (77) deities. Kormantse today celebrates this Brong Ahafo heritage with the modern Techiman (Takyiman) traditional area in an annual festival held in Kormantse. These seventy seven deities of Kormantse came about because at every point in their existence the people picked up other powerful deities and added them to their collection of gods. The principal communal gods are believed to be as old as historic Kormantse. Historic Kormantse is divided into Kormantse Bentsir or Kormantse No. 1 and Kormantse Nkum or Kormantse No. 2. Both claim to have originated from the ancestral home (Ngyedum) and it is most likely that along the migratory journey the two groups took different directions to arrive at their present location. The most plausible explanation though is that the common origin of Ngyedum as recounted by the two communities in reality may be the same oral narrative that has been distorted due to the oral nature of the transmission or due to a lapse in memory over a long period of time. The possibility also exists that along the line due to division and rivalry between the two communities the leaders attempted to distort their narrative history to make them distinct from their neighbors. Kormantse Nkum pride themselves as Etsii or the autochthonous people and claim ownership of the Etsii baka or the Etsii lagoon which also represent one of their prominent deities. The boundary between these two major communities still exists in Historic Kormantse. (See Map: Copyright KARP)